This year I feel compelled to really celebrate Earth Day.  Becoming a mother changes your world view in so many ways; my eyes have been opened to the state of the Earth and action needs to be taken!!!  In some ways I still have a defeatist attitude- “What can I, one single human being, do to impact our planet?”  While it is true that one person is not going to save the world by recycling their aluminum, every little bit helps.

In college my husband (then boyfriend) and I threw away 6-12 bags of garbage a week.  We had two roommates as well, but this equals close to 3 bags of garbage person per week.  There was no recycling pick up where we lived, so we didn’t recycle.  I did feel guilty, but I was more concerned with having fun and graduating college than my garbage.

Moving to New York and becoming a mother has made me a better person in so many ways.  Recycling in our area is the norm, not the exception.  Every week I proudly fill my blue bin with every single possible little thing I can.  Instead of 12 bags of garbage on the curb, there is one, maybe two, waiting for the big garbage truck.  Being a mother I now understand that my son has to inherit the world I helped pollute.  It is just that simple.

For Earth Day I plan to spend it outdoors as much as possible, weather permitting.  The family can take a blanket to the park and play outside, take a long walk, and whatever strikes our fancy.

There are many places holding Earth Day clean ups and stores are having special promotions, so if you are itching for something to do in your area I can bet you will find something.  I know Wegmans where I live is giving away a reusable grocery bag if you turn in a wadded up ball of the old plastic bags.


What will you be doing this Earth Day?  Leave me a comment!  I know you are out there, speak up!