Have you ever wondered what our cloth diapering friends across the pond (and around the globe) are putting on their babies? Well, for starters, many countries call their cloth diapers “nappies.” So, what are we missing out on?
Many months ago I stumbled across Tots Bots, a UK cloth nappy company with the best prints! While some of their product line has made it stateside thanks to Bummis (I am reviewing the Easy Fit) we don’t have their prints!
In Australia I found Itti Bitti Nappies. This line has a ton of different styles to offer and I love the rainbow of colors! They make SIO (snap in Ones) and All in Ones to name a few.
New Zealand seems to have a lot of cloth diaper users. EcoBubs is a brand I learned about that has an adorable striped pattern and comes in different color combos. This diaper is a wool pocket. Intrigued…
Pikapu is another Australian brand. Why am I including it in my list? Because they make a charcoal and a grey version (love it!). This is an All-in-one with absorbent layers but with microfleece against the skin. I imagine it to be like a Bum Genius Organic AIO but with a stay dry layer. They do resemble Thirsties quite a bit. And their typeface and website remind me of an American Apparel ad sans the visible butt cheeks. I have to give them props for their motto though…
From Singapore comes a cutesy named diaper: Moo Moo Kow. This diaper is very similar to Happy Heineys. They have wide tabs with either a velcro or snaps version. Their diaper is also a one size pocket.
In Germany I found a diaper called Popolini, which makes a variety of styles including a one size. Since they didn’t have any english on their website and my husband was unwilling to help me translate, I had a hard time navigating. But, they exist! What I did discover is that there is a cross over between this brand, and Mother-ease. Which products I am not sure…
I also noticed a trend: Australians are pretty straight forward about what their diapers are for. This brand of diapers is called “Krap Katchers” (get it?) and isn’t anything unique, but I had to mention it for the name. The diaper itself is a Fleece pocket designed for overnights.
Germany is BORING. Every diaper I found was plain, white, and utilitarian. This diaper, Storchenkinder, is a tying nappy. I have actually wanted to try a tying diaper for a while.
I hope you enjoyed traveling with me and shopping for modern cloth diapers around the world. There are many countries using cloth diapers, but in most cases they are still using traditional cotton squares. The US, UK, New Zealand, and Australia are the leaders in variety and brands by far!