If you’ve ever considered teaching a class locally about cloth diapering or you are currently teaching one, this post may be of help! For an event I attended recently I made up some handy cards, one for each type of cloth diaper, that could be handed out with that diaper so each person could see and touch it while getting information about that style.
I left the printed cards at home (of course I did) so I didn’t get the chance to use them, but so many people wanted to know where to get them after posting an image to Instagram that I knew posting them to the blog would be a good idea! Each card has the type of diaper and the pros/cons of each. At the bottom of the post are links to download, there are 2 sheets to print with 3 cards on each. You’ll have to chop the paper to get the three cards and should print them on card stock for best results.
Click the sheets above for a printer friendly version. Each image click will begin the download. You will want to print these on cardstock paper and cut on the lines.
Download Cloth Diaper Info Card 1 Download Cloth Diaper Info Card 2