Consider this an official announcement that my family and I are moving back to Charlotte, NC!!!


Ever since we left NC nearly 10 years ago our hope has been that one day we would make it back.  Now it’s happening! I grew up in NC and my husband and I met in college at UNC Charlotte. We moved to Syracuse, NY the weekend I graduated, did our 5 years of snow hell, and have spent 4 years in Florida. Our kids have never lived near family and we’ve never had the experience of raising our family with anyone around but us. It’s been extremely hard.  No grandparents at the teas or a crowd at the graduations. At Everett’s Pre-K graduation I couldn’t help but feel sad when I saw the rows full of family members for other graduates, the applause that filled the room when those names were called, and then the claps from the 3 of us when it was Everett’s turn. The boys are old enough to form memories and I’m excited that their memories will have grandparents and aunts and cousins now.

This all started over a year ago when we heard rumblings about my husband’s company being merged with another. That uneasy feeling when your future is completely up in the air?  That’s been my life for over a year.  First, we thought it might be Denver, then maybe Charlotte, then we heard maybe St. Loius. We hoped that Charlotte would be the answer and we recently found out that it would be!

We’ve been working on pre-sale home improvement projects for months knowing that no matter what the outcome, we’d be leaving our home. Leaving our amazing home for a random state would have been really hard but moving back to my home state softens the blow.  That and the appreciation in value our sweat equity over the last 4 years has made possible.

Cheap labor. This is why we had kids.

A video posted by Kim Rosas (@kim_rosas) on

The boring life of a kid in a home improvement store.

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The fun begins soon now that relocation papers have been signed. We will be listing our home for sale ASAP and are already house hunting with the help of Facetime and our in-laws on the ground in NC. I’m filled with anxiety that we won’t find a home that measures up to the one we have.  If you haven’t noticed, I’m a little obsessed with my home and filling it with vintage goodies. We have a challenge ahead of us based on the market I’m seeing and I’m terrified. Being a parent means that school districts reign supreme in home shopping.  GULP (NC residents know my stress, and I say this as someone who spent all 12 years of her primary education in the NC public school system.)

Now that our destination is resolved we begin the arduous task of finalizing our home for listing it. Packing away our photos and the child drawn artwork today has brought it home that yes, we are definitely moving at some point. I hope that the future buyers of our home enjoy it as their home as much as we have.  Man, I’m gonna miss this house.

Next stop, Charlotte!