I fought the Baby Legs craze hard when I first had my son. I saw many pictures of how adorable they were on little girls, and even a few boys, but in my mind I couldn’t see a boy in them. I wanted to love them because they would make diaper changes so much easier. It wasn’t until a friend told me about a fabulous sale that I gave in. “Oh, they will just be for around the house.” I assured myself, and my husband.
Since then things have changed drastically! My Baby Legs are more than for knocking around the house, though they are good for that too. I like to use them when we go out just because they are cute. When we fly, I pair Baby Legs and a onesie or t shirt for quick diaper changes on the plane. We especially love Baby Legs for EC’ing! It makes access to his diaper or training pants, like his ECA Wear trainers, easy. They keep his legs warm too!
One thing I wished of Baby Legs was that they have tights (more for girls but if my son wouldn’t look girly in them we would use them in a heartbeat) or matching socks for their legs.
Luckily, now they have both! Baby Legs has introduced a new line of coordinating socks (2 pair in a pack) that match their Baby Legs. They have fun patterns that you can mix and match, like argyle, stripes, and polka dots in coordinating color schemes. Fletcher is modeling argyle socks with striped Baby Legs. His little legs would get cold while he potties without them! The socks are aize 12 months, but my son is 10.5 and fits them perfectly. He also has “chunky” feet.
Another thing I love about Baby Legs is that the back of their package actually says “Makes diaper changing, potty training, and EC’n a breeze.” Plus. there is a Dad using what I assume is an Ergo on the back too. Granted, he looks a little strange wearing rainbow Baby Legs on his arms but I forgive him because he is wearing his baby girl.
If you are excited to pick up a pair of Baby Legs you should take advantage of this deal. Use code “Punkin” when you buy one pair of seasonal Baby Legs, and get another pair free! This is good Oct 8-21. What a great way to stock up for your little one, or to buy a few gifts! We just bought 2 pair for a friend’s daughter who just turned one and they love them!
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Amethyst Leg Warmers are my fav
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I couldn’t pick just one pair… I love Itsy Bitsy Leg Warmers and Piedmont Leg Warmers
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