Because I can’t think of a snazzy name, we are calling the next newborn baby event the “New Baby Event, part 2.”  6 months ago we hosted lots of fun reviews and giveaways for the new mom and baby.  In November we are doing it all over again!

This event has some very exciting reviews and giveaways coming up.  I am going to let you in a few of them so you can get all excited!

4Moms Mamaroo, Woombie, Sugar Sweet Baby Wraps, Knoodle Knits, Hushamok Baby Hammock, Oeko Glider, Aden+Anais, Binsi, and more!

Over 1,000$ dollars worth of giveaways so far!!

I am still not sure how I am going to organize the newborn cloth diaper reviews, but as of now I am going to review:

Kissaluvs (KL0), bumGenius! XS, Fuzzibunz XS, Lil’ Joeys, Sustainable Babyish XS Flats, Thirsties Duo Size 1, Smartipants newborn, Nifty Nappy newborn, and Tiny Fit from Bummis. Some of these I purchased, some have been sent for review.  You can expect to have a few fun itty bitty cloth diaper giveaways too!

There is still time to participate in the event as well.  Any PR inquiries can be sent to me at