Those of you who are following me on Twitter probably already know what is up my sleeve for the Holidays. But for the rest of you, I want to let you know about the exciting project I have been working on.
A Very Fluffy Christmas on Dirty Diaper Laundry!
What is a, “Fluffy Christmas?” Well, if you live where I do that just means a few feet of snow! But on DDL I have been frantically emailing dozens of cloth diaper companies for information about their production (for another big project, a list of diaper companies that manufacture in the US or Canada), and I have asked each company contacted if they would be willing to donate a diaper (or more) to help a family begin using cloth diapers who otherwise couldn’t afford it.
The response has been tremendous. Nearly every company I have asked has donated so far. Most are giving one diaper, but some companies are going above and beyond! Tiny Tush has donated 12 of their One Size Elite, and Bummis has sent their iParenting award winning Organic Cloth Diapering Kit. Just between these two companies that have donated enough to get 2 families started on their cloth diapering journey. I get warm and fuzzy and teary eyed just thinking about it. But there are plenty more companies who are donating. Thirsties will be sending their brand new Duo Diaper, which isn’t out yet. The diaper comes in two sizes, one will fit babies 0-9 months, and the second 9 months to potty learning. It is a two piece system and uses hemp that is knit right here in the US! If you want to learn more about this diaper you can view details com Other companies donating diapers include, Snap-EZ, AMP, Happy Heineys, Bella Bottoms, Jamtots, and Bagshot Row Bamboo. There will be plenty more. I still have more emails to send out as well.
I am extremely grateful to the companies who are making this dream a reality. When I started this project I didn’t know if even one company would want to participate. The wonderful Marissa from Growing Green Bums will also be helping me cover shipping costs of the baskets!
To choose the families I have decided to use 2 methods. One family will be chosen with the help of Miracle Diapers. This organization does what I am doing, but way better, and they help tons more than I ever could. I urge you to visit their website and consider making a donation to help them keep their operation running. I will getting help from them to choose a family from their list of families.
I have also decided since I have enough dipaers to at least make two baskets, but probably more, that I will be taking nominations. Miracle Diapers has a waiting list, and not every family in need is on it. I will let you know when the entry form for nominations will be up. I am going to enlist a few diaper gurus to help me decide, so be assured I am not the only person making this decision. And the family chosen will meet certain criteria. I haven’t decided if the nominations will be coming from other people or if you can nominate your own family. There are still some things to consider.
I hope you are all as excited about this project as I am. I can’t wait for Christmas already!
If you are a company who hasn’t been contacted yet about the project and you wish to donate, please email me at kdrosasatgmaildotcom I will also be needing accesories for the basket, like wetbags, detergent, snappis, etc.