A black cloud has decided to loom over me for over a week now. A routine blog fix to correct the issue of not being able to browse my older posts past the first page ended up creating a domino effect of issues.  This is partly thanks to the complicated beast that is my Cloth Diaper Finder.

A week later, and a few hundred dollars lighter, things are still not quite fixed. In between those fixes I started seeing emails and Facebook Posts about Malware on this blog. I never got the notices and wasn’t sure how to fix it. Then- Dirty Diaper Laundry was Blacklisted by Firefox and Chrome. Safari apparently isn’t as secure but I was able to see my website just fine and that is my usual browser.

All hell broke loose and I frantically tried everything to restore my blog. I contacted my hosts, the guy helping fix my pages (and the other issues that broke), and my husband trying to get it fixed.

When the link to a malware infested site was located it COULDN”T BE DELETED because my THEME WAS BROKEN. Why would I expect any different?

My husband had to dive into my theme in the FTP and delete it there.

After 3 days of a website invisible to the rest of the world, I logged in only to find that I couldn’t actually post! Well, I could but my posts couldn’t by typed out in WordPress thanks to invisible letters. This is still happening and I am typing posts into Word and pasting into WordPress.

Words are there but not visible
Highlight it to see the words


I’m sad that the money I was saving for a new car seat has gone to blog fixes. I was hoping to buy a floor model demo while at ABC Kids.

And speaking of ABC Kids Expo, I leave for this 4 day event and the RDIA (Real Diaper Industry Association) in Louisville Kentucky on Friday. If you follow me on Twitter or Facebook you might have noticed that I am in panic mode. My hotel, which is in Indiana (12 minutes drive from the Convention Center), is also across a CLOSED bridge. Why would it be open? Of course not. There are two other bridges but traffic is said to be slow, with waits of up to an hour or more. I now have to rent a car (another few hundred dollars) and drive with a potentially screaming baby to the Convention (he hates riding in the car unless it is moving and he is asleep). I just love starting my day with my son screaming and gagging.

I have looked into other hotels however since we got a great deal (free with our hotel points) and paying 100+ a night for 5 nights would not make it worth even going to ABC Kids, I think we are staying put. My roommate and I will just have to leave extra early each morning.

The cherry on top? Everett and I are both getting sick. He is going to be snot faced and miserable for his first flight unless he fights it hard.

I am still excited about seeing the new cloth diapers (can you say bumGenius?!) and new baby carriers at the show.

I’ll be meeting up with all of my friends who will also be there. After the show I’ll be attending the RDIA meetings. I’m most looking forward to the Laundry Session. I’ll also be wearing my brand new, totally pimped out Wrap Conversion. More on that another day.

This is what happens when you have malware

Sorry again for the flashing red lights you used to see when you tried to access DDL. The issue is supposed to be resolved. Wish me luck on my trip in a few days. I doubt I will be posting much this week unless my blog gets fixed.

********* When I pasted this into my WordPress Editor it was VISIBLE!  Oh please oh please oh please let this nightmare be over. ************