It’s Wednesday already and today we are talking about traveling with flats. I actually usually keep a flat and cover in my car for emergencies; I think we’ve all faced a moment when a miscalculation or anomaly results in a need for a change when you’re nowhere near home. As long as I keep my cover out of the sun (extreme temperatures aren’t so great, but in a glove box or a trunk seems to work well for me, of course it never really freezes down here in Florida, so maybe during the winter months some folks may prefer to keep a cover in their purse instead) I can trust that I’ll have a change available if I need one.
When you’re running errands with flats you can keep your supplies pretty simple. An extra flat can double as a changing pad in a car or public bathroom, or you can use it to wipe up drool, spilled beverage, or any other myriad of baby mess. If I use the cover as a glove/barrier to remove the Snappi from a soaked flat and to remove the flat from my baby I can minimize touching of anything wet or soiled. A quick wipe and a fresh flat and we’re good to go. If she was already wearing a flat, like this week, I can reuse the Snappi she had on. If she was not, I can padfold the new flat and lay it in the cover instead.
My favorite trick (some call it a hack, though I have a hard time using that word) for traveling is a wetbag with two separate pockets like this one from Funky Fluff. I can put covers that have been used but not soiled in a separate pocket and if I need to reuse them later they have been kept clean. Alternatively, I can use the separate pocket for disposable wipes if I’m using them (I’m not a big fan of extra trash but when traveling it can be more convenient than the spray bottle and cloth wipes we prefer at home). That way when I go to do the wash I’m not having to search soiled flats for the trash that got tucked into them and accidentally washing an old dirty linty disposable wipe.
The main point to remember when running errands with flats is that some flats will not last as long as others, or as long as thicker more modern diapers. When I’m getting the girls ready for a long car trip I’ll put them in a larger flat, one that offers more layers of absorbency or has bamboo in the material. I also make sure to check their diapers regularly for wetness to make sure we aren’t surprised midtrip. Changing right before you leave the house and checking when you take them out of the carseats can make long drives much less intimidating. A cover with generous gussets is also helpful, especially if you’re dealing with a squirmy toddler. I’m thrilled to say I’ve never had to wash my car seat, and I don’t intend to start this week. I also keep an extra outfit for each girl with me if I’m going on a series of errands or to my in-laws’ house because, well, Murphy’s Law has a way of sneaking up on me. Even with the extra outfits this is still a pretty compact and simple travel pack that I can have ready quickly and easily.
Now we want to know how you make flats work for you on errands and travel! Either leave a comment or link your blog post below. We are over halfway through with the challenge and at this point it is definitely challenging some of our participants.