We’ve had a great and enthusiastic start to this year’s Flats Challenge and our bloggers are contributing their experiences to this now vast library of knowledge. So far this week we have covered the WHY and the WHAT. Today our bloggers will be getting creative and sharing anything they feel is important.
There’s also been great activity on social media, which I love, because it continues to show how affordable and possible using flats (and even handwashing if needed) can be!
I’ve collected a few of my favorites to showcase today. One in particular I love because this participant is living in an RV while taking the challenge, amazing!
My stash for #flatschallenge! Diaper rite bamboo flats and flips! #bringingflatsback @Diaper_Junction @bumgenius pic.twitter.com/Zb8GWSW88Z
— mommykins (@evapersaud) May 11, 2015
You can see more experiences by clicking over to the blogs or checking the #flatschallenfe hashtag on social media.