5th Annual Flats and Handwashing Challenge Day 2: What’s in your stash?

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Today is all about what flat diapers we are using for the 5th Annual Flats and Handwashing Challenge but also the covers, accessories, and the other items that are in rotation for the week.

The reason we discuss this is to show the variation in what people can get by with- whether they invest a good bit and use wool covers over their flats, or they do it as cheaply as possible with homemade or upcycled covers and free or cheap t-shirts. Even store-bought flats are usually cheaper than any regular diaper you can buy.

I’m always amazed at the ingenuity and creativity this event brings out from those participating.

Lara gave us a full breakdown:

Over the last couple years I’ve managed to bulk up my flats and covers stash to enough diapers that I could probably use flats full time on one child if I chose to. Since I’m now using cloth diapers on two babies I have added a few extra flats, covers, and Snappis to my basket. Some of these items were reviewed for Kim’s website, but I’ve listed the prices to get a realistic tally if I weren’t writing for Dirty Diaper Laundry.

a stash of flats, covers, and wool

My flats:

  • Sugar Sheep flat – (3 pack for 31.50, so 10.50)
  • Fruit of The Womb Green Apple flat – 10.50
  • Sweet Iris flat – 13.95 each
  • Flip organic flat – (18.95 for 3 pack, so 6.32ish for the one I’ll be using)
  • Imagine flat (butterfly print and woodland print) – (6 pack for 14.95)
  • GeffenBaby – 6.95 each
  • Ikea flat – (3.00 for 2 pack, so 1.50ish)
  • Diaper Rite cotton flats – (21.95 for 12 pack, so 1.83ish each for the one I’ll be using)
  • OsoCozy Flats – 6 for 15.00
  • Flour Sack Towels from Kay Dee Designs – 3 for 9.99

My covers:

  • Kissaluvs – 15.50
  • Gen-Y Simply U – 18.99
  • Bummis Simply Lite – 16.95
  • BumGenius Flip cover – 14.95 (I’m using 6 this week, so 89.70)
  • Sloomb Catalina wool cover – 52.00
  • Sloomb Basewoolies – 72.50

I also have a white plastic 5 gallon bucket from Home Depot for 4.47. My mobile washer is a plunger like contraption is available on Amazon for 19.59. I have 4 Snappi closures (3.99 at my favorite local cloth diaper store, so 15.96), a pair of rubber gloves (these are from last year but I think they were 2.99 at a local discount shop), and my workhorse clothespins (I use these every single day and they show it, yet they were only 2.35 for a pack of 50 at Home Depot).

When looking at the retail value of my stash I can estimate 91.49 for flats, 265.64 for covers including my wool covers for overnights, and 45.36 for my accessories. That’s a whopping 402.49 altogether. Obviously, were I not working to earn these amazing gifts (some are purchased on my own but quite a few were presents from friends or have been reviewed, check the archives for flat reviews or cover reviews if you’re curious) I would make do with a much more modest stash as befits my household budget. The incredible thing about flats and covers these days is that there really is something for everyone. If you are looking to save money you can find some incredible deals on quality products (especially if you purchase a pack or set). If you have a bit more to spend you can find some truly luxurious options with incredible absorbency or leak protection that still washes and dries better and faster than the other diaper styles on the market. Either way, there are a slew of style and colors available, perfect for any household. Flats are the one size fits all of the diaper world (once you get used to the folding, of course).

I didn’t actually purchase anything at all for the challenge this year, I was given some items (my friends and family know how passionate I am about cloth diapers and we are lucky to have some great local retailers in my area, too) and am reviewing others (you can look forward to reviews on Sugar Sheep and Fruit of the Womb soon). I did spend some time repairing a lot of relaxed elastics and a snap that had come off a cover, so I was able to use quite a few covers that would have otherwise been headed to the trash. I also could have probably made do with less covers and flats (I’m arming myself with a whopping 22 flats and 9 covers plus 2 wool options for overnight) but since I’m diapering two children this year and my six month old is nursing pretty much around the clock I want to make sure I have plenty of diapers available. I did learn from the last two years that I can get away with far fewer covers, and if a cover gets soiled but I rinse it right away, it will be easier to clean at laundry time. I’ve also learned that with my heavy wetters it is imperative that I use wool and a good thick bamboo flat at bedtime or I can expect to change them at least once during the night or there will be an accident. I am using four Snappis when I could get away with two because sometimes a wiggly baby will distract you mid change and you’ll forget where you set it down. I’ll be curious to see how this week goes, if I actually use all of these flats and then find a way to tackle a large laundry load or if I am able to wash a little each day to keep things on a more manageable rotation.

I’m really looking forward to reading all of your blog entries about your stashes. I’m interested to see who spent the least, who made all of their flats and covers, who sourced everything locally, and who got the most creative (I love the tie dye flats I’ve been seeing on Facebook)!

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Blogs will be linking up their posts detailing the supplies they’re using this week below.

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