3rd Annual Flats and Handwashing Challenge- Day 1: Why Take the Challenge?

flatschallenge2013buttonOn the first day of the 3rd Annual Flats and Handwashing Challenge our topic of discussion is “Why take the Challenge?”  Rather than repeat my own reasons that you’ve read again and again I asked others who are taking it to see why they wanted to participate.  We have had over 400 people sign up from all over the world to participate in the Challenge.  At the end of the post you can find blog posts from bloggers who will be writing about their experiences.


32315_4387509698706_100847751_n“I’m taking the Challenge to bring awareness that flats are very much a viable option in today’s modern world. I am using 24 flats and 6 covers to cloth diaper TWO boys!”

-Callie Fritts, mama of 2 boys and consultant/blogger for www.diaperparties.com


“I am taalyssaking the challenge because I love to challenge myself. I want to be able to teach others how to cloth diaper on a budget and have experience in it. I am also interested in learning an alternative to using disposables or hybrid diapers on the road.”

Allyssa Streeper – mom of a 7 month old and owner of Crunchy Canadians from B.C., Canada (http://www.facebook.com/CrunchyCanadians)


me“…to prove to myself (and hubby) that I can be ready in any situation and to have experienced it firsthand! I am blogging about it to share the experience and raise awareness that cloth diapering can be done on any budget!”

Melissa Alexander, part time working mom of 3 and author of Teen Toddler Newborn

20130103_162609“…for reasons two : 1. To spread awareness that cloth diapers are a viable option for low income families and
2. To remind myself that I decide to cloth diaper to save money.  There are so many beautiful fancy diapers available, it’s hard not to want them all, but I don’t really need them.”

Jessica Dunn, mother of one http://lifeourwayblog.blogspot.com

kayla dusseau pic“I’m taking the challenge for the 1st time this year to show that moms working outside of the home can cloth diaper their children and save money for other family needs.”

– Kayla Dusseau @kaylalorri Blogging @ notquitehomemade.wordpress.com

SC20130516-124459-1“…to have the knowledge to tell others from first hand experience that cloth diapers don’t have to be expensive and intimidating.”

-Heather Lucas, mommy of two munchkins, @HeatherLucas777

13877_10151417300833391_1040619364_n“…to learn something new and to raise awareness than anyone can cloth diaper no matter what their income or situation.”

-Michelle Ferguson of The Not-So-Secret Confessions  http://www.mommyfergblog.com

IMG_0133“…because many people with low incomes can realize how easy is to get savings, happy baby butts, and most of all, healthy conditions of life only with a cloth and a bucket.”

Elena Santoyo, Full time mother of a chubby baby in cloth diapers, and blogger.  http://elenalovediapers.wordpress.com

evalepe-1366757133_600“I’m taking the challenge because I want to demonstrate the ease of cloth diapering, how fun it can be and how great it is for both baby and the environment.”

Eva Lepe mother of two and the writer of http://clothdiaperingmx.blogspot.mx/  @EvaLepe

imagefb“I’m taking the challenge because I was afraid of using flats and my competitive nature is stronger than my fear. Plus, I wanted to find a better way to cloth diaper while camping.”

-Crystal Ferguson


“…I could do that! I could do that ANYWHERE!”[the challenge] and I immediately considered how easy it would be to wash flats and a couple covers in a sink on a cruise ship or motel room. I could hang them to dry just inside the open door of the balcony or simply take advantage of the AC. I could still use her adorable little covers and know that I’m doing what I feel is best for my baby even in unusual situations.”

-Lara Jackson, contributor for www.dirtydiaperlaundry.com

My Headshot“I’m participating in this challenge for the third year because I want to be more diligent about noticing my daughter’s cues for when she has to go potty.”

~Sarah McKelvy, Mother of 1, Blogger at http://www.wifemummynurse.com


steph“I am taking the challenge to help show parents that when money is tight, they have options. You don’t have to spend your hard earned money on expensive disposable diapers that you are going to use once and throw away. Cloth diapering is a very realistic option!”

-Stephanie Beck, Mother of four and owner of: http://www.apronstringsattached.com/

Now take a look at the blog posts from today about why others are taking the Challenge.

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